Anthony Robbins himself said, "If you want to succeed in any aspect of your life, just find someone who has succeeded in that area and do what he did to get there." Now, Tony Robbins has succeeded in losing weight, so don't you want to do what he did?
Anthony Robbins Diet is somewhat similar to Robert Young's theory of alkalizing the body to lose or maintain one's weight although it distinguishes it with an entire way of changes of lifestyle.
The Anthony Robbins Diet is a vegetarian diet approach to life. He believes that if we do not alkalize out bodies we are heading towards self destruction. So he advises us that we should consume more alkaline vegetables and fruits and at the same time should avoid eggs and other such acidic foods to improve our health.
In reality, this diet program is not just merely about losing weight but is focused on achieving overall fitness as well as good health. When most diets, especially low carb diets like Atkins diet make us feel fatigued and sometimes even irritable, Anthony Robbins's diet program don't.
If you have read any of his personal development success books or attended any of his seminars, you will know that Tony Robbins is a health motivated man and talks of how he plans an entire life's outlook rather than merely losing weight. He teaches people how to achieve high self esteem and confidence.
Anthony Robbins Diet plan teach us how to eat vegetarian foods that are rich in alkaline so the body can maintain a ph of 7.4. He also discussed the importance of vital breathing in this book. He advocates that one must breathe correctly so that the body can get maximum oxygen from the breath. By ingesting more oxygen, our bodies will create a more alkaline environment and this in turn help in the optimum functioning of the human body. It is only when the cells are unable to release their toxins that problems such as weight gain occur. So with more oxygen, the cells in the body will be healthier.
In the diet, he encourages people to drink at least three liters of alkaline water and advises people to exercise regularly. This is because without regular exercises, the lungs do not get enough oxygen. The diet plan suggests that people need to do cardio exercises at least four days a week. Cardio or aerobic exercises strengthen the heart and lungs and also draws in high oxygen intake.
Not surprisingly, he also preaches weight loss goal setting. As the book claimed, with the Anthony Robbins diet plan, practitioners will not only gain good health and weight loss but also a happy and relaxed mind.
If your goal is to lose weight and be healthy, perhaps Anthony Robbins diet plan is just the solution for you.
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About the Author:
Chris Chew is the author of "Burn Fat Build Muscles Fast". More articles at Fitness gym equipment and Personal trainer certification online